As part of our membership to the peak body for caravans (CTIAQ) we’ve received advice confirming that we can operate. We’re very happy to have had this clarified. We can move forward conforming to the practices and guidelines necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19 while maintaining services to our customers. 

Are You Allowed To Attend Our Business?

The CTIAQ reached out to Queensland Health regarding how we should proceed. If you’re a customer, this advice effects you also, as it pertains to “whether consumers can leave their home to conduct business with Recreational Vehicle businesses”.

This was the reply from Queensland Health:

If the businesses you refer to are not listed in the Non-essential business, activity or undertaking Closure Direction (No. 5) as being required to stop operating, they are considered essential and can remain open.The Queensland Police Service has confirmed that it is permissible for people to leave their house to conduct business with a business that is still permitted to operate under the above directive.

Yes, you are allowed to attend our business.

Based on current restrictions members customers (that’s you) are “permitted to leave their homes to visit and conduct business with our members businesses”(us). We can confirm that a person can attend, tow or deliver/collect a recreational vehicle to and from a caravan / recreational vehicle dealership or retailer business: 

  • to pickup or drop off a recreational vehicle
  • purchase and pickup a new or used caravan or recreational vehicle
  • to purchase and pickup equipment and accessories
  • to have work conducted, service repairs or accessories added
Gold Coast Caravan Sale are operating to ensure steps are taken to prevent and minimise the risk of spreading the virus to staff and customers in the workplace. Social distancing and coronavirus (COVID-19) infection control measures have been implemented.

Simple hygiene practices, similar to those used to protect against the flu, can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

For workers:
For employers:

For those who do want to visit us, we can assure you that we will be following all advice and best practice.