End of term 3 school holidays commence 18/09/20 and school resumes 06/10/20.
With overseas travel off the cards right now, it is safe to assume there will be many more caravans on the roads than usual. Amongst those will be a mix of new caravan owners and those who have been towing for many years.

Qld already accounts for more than 25% of Australia’s total RV registrations.

Caravan sales have recently surged due in part to the international travel restrictions and Qld is the second largest state in Australia…. It all adds up that now is the time to hit the road with your (new or not so new) caravan in tow.

Vehicle Safety: Vehicle Checks

Thorough vehicle checks cannot be stressed enough. Perhaps even get a pre-holiday caravan service if you have not had one recently (not forgetting car checks/services as well).

Inquire Below If You would Like The Experienced Workshop Crew At Gold Coast Caravan Sales To Give Your Vehicle A Safety Check

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Vehicle Safety: Towing Capacity

If you have just purchased a new caravan or car, it is most important to ascertain that you have the correct towing capacity to match or exceed the ATM of the caravan.This most certainly should have been done before the sale of your car/caravan proceeded but it pays to make sure. Also take care not to overload your caravan to avoid the possibility of accidents and hefty fines, should you get pulled over.

Towing Courses

It’s important to know how to tow safely. Several caravan towing courses are available throughout Qld.  Valuable lessons can be learnt by all, even the most experienced of caravanners.


Below is a very short list. For more information contact a provider in your area.


Towing is a unique challenge. After all, you’re in control of two vehicles. That takes some specific skills and techniques. Which is why we at Getabout we have a dedicated sister site, Tow-Ed. This is where we bring together the courses and info you need to make sure that when you want to set off on your next trip – you’re ready.

Caravan Towing Tuition

Providing quality, individualised caravan towing and reversing courses and RV weighing services. We come to you, right across Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Logan, Ipswich and surrounds. We give you the necessary knowledge and skills so you can confidently and safely hitch, tow, reverse and park your caravan, boat, trailer, or horse float.


Whether you’re a Learner, Provisional or Open Licensed driver, a Roadcraft course will teach you the tangible techniques required to keep you safe on our roads every day.